Race Analytix

Race Analytix mobile app which gathers huge data in motorsport, and analyzes it using scientific methods and saves it with video and data to a cloud it can be used for improvements.
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What it is Race Track app?

Race Analytic develops the all segment in driving opportunities handling, technical possibilities of a vehicle, system of analysis, statistics for pulse and calorie analysis in driving, easy working with social media, easy working with gadgets, collects data for: tire brand, tire components, tire pressure before and after the race, tire temperature before and after the race, suspension setup, breaks components, breaks balans, geometry, center of gravity, condition of tire, tarmac temperature before and after the race, front and rear position in deferential, front and rear angle of tire, G sensor data, horizontal and vertical denivelation, speed, stopwatch, compare data in different race, personal info: name, picture, surname, email, birthday, gender, height, weight, normal bed and wake, smoker, handedness, FIA license, nationality, opportunity to pair with: team, manager, mechanic, doctor, trainer, journalist, sponsor.

Our target is all pilot in racing vehicles on the ground or with small changes pilot in airspace. Our product is tool who give the all data for one or more racing with all analytics. Much important is the fact that for all this is necessary only the mobile phone and smarth watches. With this all small teams will have a cheap tool to save all data in claud and analytics them when or were they like.

How do we do it?

We are using java based api connected with custom mobile app.
We have ssl communication and token based authentication
We are difrent in metology of working, metodology of collection the data, save the data, easy using a data, easy sharing the data, connection of users, special metology of analytics the data in real time in big precision. Race Analytic have a special pearimg oportunity,we are developing a vibrant connection of users with posibility to work in future in 5G live.
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, this is possible only with easy and safe movement in the space.

Neglect of the person and its psychomotor functionalities, always in a robotized world it will be imperative to make a mistake. Only with a comparative on line analysis of man and machine, we will make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainab.


What’s Included ?

With Race Analytic you are able to track the speed, g-force, pulse, altitude, record video, preview your ride on the map and many more things...

Start Tracking Your Stats

Get full analytic results, everything's included in the app and you even have the possibility to share your riding videos with your team!
Choose if it's a race or training, compare the results and make yourself better with each lap!
Choose your vehicle and set up all the variables according to it. Different settings will apply according to your choice of ride.